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This is our background and philosophy. . .

Our Mission:


Jim Neufeld has a background in photography that spans a lifetime of 52 years. He has won awards for his photography , displayed in exhibits within the US. He believes in giving people a chance to purchase his art at a reasonable price . He believes that art is something that is found everywhere you go; whether it's seen scenic landscapes, or found in God's creatures, he trys to capture the essence of their beauty in God's creation . 

From the smallest bee , to the largest creature upon this earth, it is God's creation that he captures and displays for all to enjoy. Jims' other projects can be seen at his other web site:


Read a play!
This is another completed project!

Once at this site you can review his latest plays as well as their synopsis. For the most part they are plays that have a naturalistic approach. There are no real costumes only people portraying themselves in the light of the characters he has created. Some are comedies and some more serious.